Research the Icy Land


This map project catergorizes the Antarctic research projects according to the project outcome. In another word, the categorization is based on the goals of the projects through reviewing many Antarctica projects' descriptions listed on NSF website as well as other national polar research institution websites, for example, Antarctica New Zealand. The map conveys that the main trend of current Antarctic research is still to understand the Antarctic region and its ecosystem, based on the fact that large portions of research stations have the most amount of research projects focus on studying Antarctica's ecosystem, weather system, etc.

Another reason for making this map is out of my curiosity for research opportunities in Antarctica. Through reviewing the project summaries, I was able to gain information on the projects, the research stations, and the culture of different research stations. I hope to become a research assistant on one of these Antarctic research projects post-graduation. The process of making this map is a starting point for me to get to know the region.

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Mengyu Liang 201